glittering chandelier 0.53   Beneath glittering chandeliers, the visitors snapped their camera shutters at Fujimori, who is of Japanese descent.
  huge chandelier 0.46   Beds, staircases and a huge chandelier hung from the ceiling.
  falling chandelier 0.39   No helicopters or falling chandeliers here, thank you very much.
  giant chandelier 0.33   The San Francisco store, with a four-store atrium and giant handcrafted chandeliers, will be the third of its kind.
  massive chandelier 0.33   Above us, a massive chandelier in sugar-doll pink cascades down in frilly waves.
  old chandelier 0.33   Rewire old chandeliers to save the cost of new ones.
  crashing chandelier 0.26   It has your crashing chandelier.
  ornate chandelier 0.26   The ornate chandelier gave it away.
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