face challenger 2.63   Lee is facing three challengers.
  defeat challenger 1.58   He defeated two challengers, Nasir Safar and Md Yassin Ibrahim.
  beat challenger 1.38   Jim Courier also struggled to beat his challenger.
  have challenger 1.25   Now they, too, have a challenger.
  trail challenger 0.59   Serpa trails challenger Andres Pastrana in opinion polls.
  stop challenger 0.53   Calzaghe stopped American challenger Omar Sheika in his last defense of the WBO belt in August.
  back challenger 0.46   Moscow had openly backed his challenger Prime Minister Vyacheslav Kebich, who resigned Monday following the election result.
  choose challenger 0.46   Hungarians choose yuppie challenger over reformed communist Eds. COMBINES pvs.
  keep challenger 0.46   Ayala landed a another short left to keep the challenger on his heels.
  debate challenger 0.39   The President debated his challenger in front of a live audience on Tuesday.
  trounce challenger 0.39   A more likely outcome, diplomats say, is that Moi will trounce the challengers.
  eliminate challenger 0.33   They also become exclusionary activities, legislating to eliminate potential challengers.
  outspend challenger 0.33   -- Most incumbents in the White House and the Congress will continue to outspend their challengers.
  destroy challenger 0.26   Amid the arrests and trials, Chinese leaders have declared they will destroy challengers to Communist Party rule.
  expect challenger 0.26   Republican challengers were expected.
  favor challenger 0.26   In between, McCallum stopped formidable and heavily favored challengers like Julian Jackson and Donald Curry, but he never got near what he wanted.
  find challenger 0.26   It will be difficult to find a challenger.
  lead challenger 0.26   Democrats are banking on Insurance Commissioner Bill Nelson who, according to recent polls, leads Republican challenger, U.S. Rep. Bill McCollum.
  meet challenger 0.26   I met a challenger once and his name was Muhammad Ali.
  name challenger 0.26   The split has prevented the opposition from naming a challenger to Kohl.
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