only certainty 3.88   The only certainty?
  virtual certainty 3.88   And that is a virtual certainty.
  absolute certainty 2.63   He had to have absolute certainty.
  near certainty 1.58   For the time being, it is a near certainty that it will.
  the certainty 1.25   The other certainty?
  greater certainty 0.99   But only DNA can tell with greater certainty whether the two tibiae are his.
  scientific certainty 0.86   Or can it act even in the absence of scientific certainty?
  reasonable certainty 0.72   Reasonable certainty is generally defined as a one-in-a-million chance of causing cancer.
  legal certainty 0.59   There is no legal certainty for Soeharto.
  old certainty 0.59   In place of the old certainties lies disquiet.
  growing certainty 0.46   With just three days to go to deadline, negotiations have deadlocked amid growing certainty that India will not sign up.
  economic certainty 0.39   Blame it on the lack of economic certainty.
  religious certainty 0.39   Religious certainty that belittles another religion leads to disaster.
  cold certainty 0.26   There is an odd comfort in the cold certainty of rail lines.
  no certainty 0.26   No such certainty exists for Minnesota.
  political certainty 0.26   If this theory can be accepted, then it would be understandable why foreign investors doubt long-term political certainty in Indonesia.
  real certainty 0.26   There are no real certainties here.
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