human cell 18.76   ...a culture of human cells.
  terrorist cell 11.98   Terrorist cells smashed?
  immune cell 9.81   Self-destructive immune cells are thus weeded out.
  new cell 9.22   Our new cells are very large.
  holding cell 7.44   They had a holding cell downstairs.
  normal cell 7.11   Normal cells were unaffected.
  epithelial cell 6.78   Acid and pepsin are released from gastric epithelial cells.
  living cell 6.65   Every living cell has a nucleus.
  cancerous cell 6.52   ...production of cancerous cells.
  embryonic cell 6.12   But Prockop said embryonic cell research should proceed.
  healthy cell 5.73   Soon healthy cells became cancerous.
  small cell 5.60   There they construct a small royal cell.
  single cell 5.40   All humans begin as a single cell.
  adult cell 4.74   Healthy adult cells are typically free of hCG.
  fetal cell 4.08   Fetal cells could be harmful.
  infected cell 3.88   But this rabies virus does not kill the infected cells.
  special cell 3.62   Doomsday sect guru held alone in special cell.
  liver cell 3.36   The toxins in turn destroy liver cells.
  specialized cell 2.96   Stem cells produce other types of specialized cells.
  endothelial cell 2.90   Endothelial cells line veins, arteries and lymph tissue.
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