abdominal cavity 2.76   Then they were inside the abdominal cavity.
  nasal cavity 1.18   But if sex is your aim, bypass the belly and make a beeline through his nasal cavity.
  common cavity 1.12   The pH nadir during the common cavity episode was also noted.
  underground cavity 0.66   At the point of explosion, the nuclear fireball carves out an underground cavity.
  oral cavity 0.53   Sea urchins have spicules in their oral cavities, called teeth, that filter out food from sea water.
  small cavity 0.33   Many wept as they sat in small cavities in the debris, their heads lowered between their knees.
  hollow cavity 0.26   Imagine it as the hollow cavity of a Jurassic fossil.
  large cavity 0.26   The insects filled a cavity as large as I was.
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