official caution 16.92   Officials cautioned that much work remains.
  analyst caution 13.23   Analysts caution that the stock now may be overpriced.
  expert caution 9.08   But experts caution against tranquilizers.
  researcher caution 4.74   Researchers cautioned that the data were preliminary.
  economist caution 2.37   Not so fast, some economists caution.
  scientist caution 1.78   But scientists cautioned it was only a first step.
  executive caution 1.71   Real estate executives cautioned that a deal had not been signed.
  doctor caution 1.58   But doctors cautioned that Havel is not out of trouble yet.
  diplomat caution 1.45   But a Western diplomat cautioned against dramatic long-term changes.
  company caution 1.32   But the companies also cautioned that no agreement had yet been concluded.
  leader caution 1.32   SAG leader Daniels cautioned against pessimism.
  source caution 1.25   One source cautioned that the deal may not be as far along as it appears.
  investigator caution 1.12   But the work is still highly preliminary, the investigators caution.
  police caution 1.05   He was cautioned by police and released.
  report caution 0.92   On the other hand, the report cautioned that it exonerated no one.
  trader caution 0.92   But traders cautioned that the rise might be short-lived.
  observer caution 0.86   But observers cautioned that the talks will yield little progress.
  aide caution 0.79   Still, aides caution the pick may be a total surprise.
  government caution 0.79   Foreign governments cautioned against staging a referendum.
  specialist caution 0.79   However, some heart specialists have cautioned against excessive optimism.
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