know cause 3.62   It is not known what caused the leak.
  be cause 0.99   One wonders what the factors are which cause modern uncivilised behaviour?
  damage cause 0.72   Squatters broke in and caused damage.
  combine cause 0.66   But sunny days and shooting can combine to cause complications.
  do cause 0.53   Yet what had she done to cause it?
  say cause 0.53   She says that causes some Latino students at her high school in San Jose, Calif., to judge her.
  use cause 0.53   But the same technologies that defend privacy are also being used to cause trouble.
  believe cause 0.46   Both were believed caused by short circuits from faulty wiring.
  include cause 0.33   No other details, including what caused the fire, were given.
  repair cause 0.33   During the summer in Boston, Simeunovic underwent surgery to repair damage caused by the bullet.
  die cause 0.26   -- Brahms may have died of cirrhosis of the liver caused by heavy drinking.
  eliminate cause 0.26   Later still, the record was corrected to eliminate distortions caused by the movements of the satellites.
  explode cause 0.26   The grenade bounced off the wall and exploded causing no damage or injuries.
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