product category 5.46   Also, its product categories are very mature.
  job category 3.23   Based on percentage of jobs posted by job category.
  year category 1.97   Grammy introduced three categories this year.
  fund category 1.65   Every foreign stock fund category was a loser.
  age category 1.58   She competed for the award in her age category.
  service category 1.45   They cover all the major product and service categories.
  music category 1.38   He won first place in the music category.
  weight category 1.18   Chavez has won titles in three weight categories.
  actress category 1.12   She won the best actress category at the Oscars.
  television category 1.12   The guild also picked nominees in eight television categories.
  income category 1.05   This is true for every age category and every income category.
  rap category 0.99   White rapper Eminem took the rap solo category.
  risk category 0.99   Novelists are in the highest risk category.
  film category 0.92   Even the short films category is hot.
  actor category 0.86   The supporting actor category is even more of a dogfight.
  consumer category 0.86   It is one of the few consumer product categories not dominated by a single company.
  car category 0.79   Jutta Kleinschmidt of Germany took the stage in the car category.
  award category 0.72   There will be nine award categories.
  performance category 0.72   And so it is in the individual performance categories.
  drug category 0.66   AmericanWarner will have a strong presence in several drug categories.
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