armor carrier 2.50   Next come half-tracked armored personnel carriers.
  use carrier 2.24   Do you use a carrier.
  switch carrier 1.25   You can switch carriers whenever you purchase a new card.
  hit carrier 1.12   Soon after, the armored personnel carrier was hit.
  destroy carrier 0.92   An armored personnel carrier was destroyed.
  include carrier 0.92   There also are US forces aboard US Navy ships in the Gulf, including the carrier USS Carl Vinson.
  park carrier 0.79   An armored personnel carrier was parked at the checkpoint.
  prevent carrier 0.79   The reason for the speedup is to prevent Canadian carriers from getting a competitive head start.
  armour carrier 0.66   The army deployed tanks and armoured personnel carriers during that incident.
  change carrier 0.66   In Chile, callers can basically change carriers with every call by typing an access code.
  deploy carrier 0.66   He denied armored personnel carriers were deployed.
  join carrier 0.66   It will take several days to join the carrier USS Carl Vinson already in the Gulf.
  send carrier 0.66   United States responds by sending two carriers.
  station carrier 0.59   Two armored personnel carriers were stationed a block away.
  attack carrier 0.53   Three died in Grozny when guerrillas attacked an armored personnel carrier with grenades.
  buy carrier 0.53   There was even a tow-ball, for which we bought a carrier to take the bike.
  keep carrier 0.53   For six to eight months of the year, it also keeps a carrier in the Mediterranean.
  pay carrier 0.53   It would set limits on how much U.S. companies would pay foreign carriers.
  allow carrier 0.46   Clinton decides to allow one carrier in Gulf for a time.
  own carrier 0.46   The carrier is owned by British entrepreneur Richard Branson.
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