russian cargo 5.07   Russian cargo ship docks with Mir.
  military cargo 4.94   Three more Russian military cargo planes leave for Kosovo.
  human cargo 4.28   He exchanged his human cargo for food.
  new cargo 2.11   All are seeking new cargo routes.
  dangerous cargo 1.84   Trucks carrying dangerous cargo will also travel under escort, Gayssot said.
  japanese cargo 1.84   Tamil rebel divers damage Japanese cargo ship.
  large cargo 1.84   Others are hidden on large cargo ships as stowaways.
  huge cargo 1.78   Plane involved in crash is huge cargo carrier.
  hazardous cargo 1.58   Investigators said hazardous cargo caught fire, causing the crash.
  small cargo 1.58   Experts think it may be a small cargo vessel.
  precious cargo 1.25   Vandross comes into the office with precious cargo.
  front cargo 1.18   Waves wrenched off its front cargo door and flooded the car deck.
  carrying cargo 1.12   Truckers would also not be penalized for carrying excess cargo.
  first cargo 1.05   The first cargo of LNG was shipped to Japan six years earlier.
  forward cargo 1.05   The blanket is located directly behind the forward cargo control unit, Hall said.
  general cargo 0.99   Bulk freighters, tankers and general cargo ships were the top targets.
  unmanned cargo 0.99   And an unmanned Russian cargo ship, Progress, has linked up just once.
  american cargo 0.92   It was carrying an American cargo of British oil.
  extra cargo 0.92   Need some extra cargo room in the rear?
  heavy cargo 0.92   All have switched their heavy cargo sleds for lighter ones to increase their speed.
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