wear cap 7.83   His teammates wore ski caps.
  tip cap 5.73   He tipped his cap.
  put cap 5.53   It put a cap on a period.
  impose cap 4.41   Dotnow.com has yet to impose a cap on free service.
  remove cap 3.29   Remove caps on campaign contributions.
  have cap 3.03   It also had no cap.
  place cap 2.70   The Japanese side is proposing to place caps on those rights.
  lift cap 2.44   Then I lifted the cap.
  raise cap 2.37   Raising the caps helped in the past.
  doff cap 2.24   The Duke doffs his cap.
  keep cap 1.84   Lifting interest rates tends to keep a cap on inflation.
  set cap 1.78   The regulator sets price caps for five-year periods.
  oppose cap 1.65   He strongly opposes price caps, however.
  eliminate cap 1.38   Next year the cap will be eliminated.
  wave cap 1.25   He waved his cap to the crowd.
  throw cap 1.05   Clark threw his cap at Hirschbeck, who responded by kicking the hat twice.
  pull cap 0.99   Clark then pulled the cap from its wrapping.
  include cap 0.86   DHS officials did include profit caps in the contract.
  take cap 0.79   Once he took his cap off.
  want cap 0.79   He wanted a cap.
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