empty can 3.29   ...empty cans of lager.
  coffee can 2.83   They filled an entire large coffee can.
  metal can 1.38   DME can be stored in metal cans.
  small can 1.18   Add a small can of chopped tomatoes and some parsley.
  new can 0.92   Earlier this evening he asked to borrow my new can opener.
  open can 0.92   Ten open cans of Gatorade.
  full can 0.86   I still have a coffee can full of these bolts.
  old can 0.86   We took the leaky old galvanized can home.
  ill can 0.66   This team can ill-afford to blow through equipment.
  large can 0.66   They filled an entire large coffee can.
  pop can 0.59   An icy pop can does wonders for waking up a body.
  red can 0.59   The red can was omnipresent.
  first can 0.53   Once in port, he grips his first can of cold beer like a life preserver.
  unopened can 0.53   Store unopened cans on pantry shelf.
  plastic can 0.46   Not as noisy as it used to be, back before everyone had plastic cans on wheels.
  yellow can 0.46   Young boys fill yellow cans with water.
  blue can 0.39   Also Wednesday, the company unveiled its new blue can and logo.
  electric can 0.39   There is not even an electric can opener in our house.
  heavy can 0.39   Weight with a heavy can or other object, and place in refrigerator.
  double can 0.33   A dramatic view can nearly double the value of the property, brokers say.
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