innocent bystander 8.76   An innocent bystander kneeled over.
  civilian bystander 1.05   Another officer and a civilian bystander were wounded.
  palestinian bystander 0.86   A Palestinian bystander was wounded in the exchange, witnesses said.
  curious bystander 0.46   Curious bystanders watched the protest.
  mere bystander 0.39   A U.S. president is never a mere bystander in the Israeli-Palestinian feud.
  shocked bystander 0.33   Shocked bystanders hugged each other.
  albanian bystander 0.26   Albanian bystanders claimed Serbs opened fire at a number of Albanian-run cafes nearby, shooting randomly.
  female bystander 0.26   A female bystander also was killed and five others were injured.
  injured bystander 0.26   The injured bystanders were hit with shrapnel and suffered severe burns, according to witnesses.
  israeli bystander 0.26   The car blew up, killing the occupant and injuring five Israeli bystanders.
  male bystander 0.26   The robber shot back with a rifle grenade, hitting two female students and two male bystanders.
  passive bystander 0.26   But critics say Levitt was no passive bystander.
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