helicopter buzz 6.91   Helicopters buzzed overhead.
  warplane buzz 2.70   Israeli warplanes buzz the skies over Lebanon.
  plane buzz 2.57   American fighter planes buzzed the city.
  jet buzz 2.44   Military jets buzzed the city.
  fly buzz 2.04   Flies buzz about.
  fighter buzz 0.72   Russian fighters buzzed the Chechen capital and artillery boomed to the northwest.
  crowd buzz 0.66   A crowd of bystanders buzzed with agreement.
  line buzz 0.59   Phone lines buzzed.
  aircraft buzz 0.53   Aircraft buzzed the village during the night, apparently to maintain pressure on the rebels.
  room buzz 0.46   The room buzzed with good cheer.
  gunship buzz 0.39   Helicopter gunships buzzed overhead.
  industry buzz 0.39   This year, Southwest has added three cities to its route map, but the industry is buzzing about just one of them.
  machine buzz 0.33   Fax machines buzzed.
  show buzz 0.33   Radio shows buzzed with giddy callers.
  alarm buzz 0.26   An alarm buzzed loudly.
  community buzz 0.26   The exile community was buzzing with excitement Friday.
  house buzz 0.26   By noontime, the guest house was buzzing.
  market buzz 0.26   The market was buzzing with men but no women were in sight Tuesday.
  people buzz 0.26   People buzz in and buzz out from the four-lane highway.
  place buzz 0.26   Now the place is buzzing with enthusiasm.
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