fire burn 23.37   Fires still burned.
  protester burn 8.89   Protesters burned a bus.
  demonstrator burn 7.24   Demonstrators burn Chiang in effigy.
  house burn 4.87   Houses burned.
  mob burn 4.41   The mob burned a British flag.
  candle burn 3.88   The candle still burns.
  flame burn 3.03   The flames were burning brightly.
  youth burn 2.96   Local youths burned several cars.
  rioter burn 2.83   The rioters also burned tires.
  student burn 2.70   Students burned tires and threw rocks.
  group burn 1.97   One group burned him in effigy.
  building burn 1.91   Buildings collapsed and buildings burned.
  car burn 1.91   In another neighborhood, wrecked cars burned.
  rebel burn 1.91   The rebels also burned a truck during the incident.
  man burn 1.78   One man burned to death inside a car.
  activist burn 1.71   Hamas activists burned two police cars and a military truck.
  people burn 1.71   Seventeen people burned to death.
  home burn 1.65   No homes burned.
  arsonist burn 1.45   In eight towns, arsonists burned thousands of ballots.
  eye burn 1.45   His eyes burned.
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