destroy bunker 1.97   The bunker was destroyed some years ago.
  build bunker 1.91   Old Mr. Leeds was always building bunkers.
  hit bunker 1.12   A blast hit the bunker.
  find bunker 0.99   His approach shot found a bunker.
  have bunker 0.79   We have no bunker.
  set_up bunker 0.66   Sandbag bunkers have been set up on some street corners.
  dig bunker 0.59   Do you dig a bunker and stay in it, of course not.
  add bunker 0.53   Add fairway bunkers.
  avoid bunker 0.46   Four fairway bunkers must be avoided.
  erect bunker 0.39   Sandbag bunkers were erected overnight at key junctions in Dhaka.
  leave bunker 0.39   Personnel left their bunkers but had to wear flak jackets and helmets.
  attack bunker 0.33   They attacked bunkers at our forward defences and withdrew.
  bomb bunker 0.33   Fighting spilled into northern Albania when the allies mistakenly bombed government bunkers.
  construct bunker 0.33   The Fhrer has had a bunker constructed below the Chancellery.
  fortify bunker 0.33   Cement was banned out of fear the rebels would use it to fortify their bunkers.
  include bunker 0.33   The base complex includes underground bunkers built during the Soviet invasion.
  damage bunker 0.26   A paramilitary bunker was also damaged in the blast, which snapped power lines in the area, where many politicians and public servants live under heavy security.
  sandbag bunker 0.26   Soldiers were deployed and sandbag bunkers set up here in the capital.
  target bunker 0.26   A NATO statement said six Serb bunkers were targeted and five appeared destroyed.
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