fire bullet 22.12   Larry Naman fired a bullet.
  remove bullet 6.12   Surgeons removed the bullet.
  dodge bullet 6.06   I dodged a bullet.
  take bullet 4.74   He took bullets directly.
  spray bullet 4.48   Do not spray bullets with your Kalashnikov rifle.
  have bullet 2.83   I have bullets.
  find bullet 2.44   Three bullets were also found.
  pump bullet 2.30   Two men run in and pump bullets into the woman.
  lodge bullet 2.11   The bullet was lodged in his spine.
  use bullet 2.04   Bullets were used to separate each item.
  stop bullet 1.71   Would it stop bullets?
  put bullet 1.51   He put a bullet into his head.
  shoot bullet 1.12   I shot a bullet into the drawer.
  sweat bullet 1.12   He was sweating bullets.
  live bullet 1.05   Police responded with tear gas, then live bullets.
  throw bullet 0.92   The quarterback threw a bullet to the receiver.
  catch bullet 0.86   Byck caught three bullets in the chest and stomach.
  receive bullet 0.79   He even received bullets in the mail.
  hit bullet 0.72   A bullet, so it seemed, can hit a bullet.
  get bullet 0.59   See Jane get bullets.
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