stray bullet 18.24   One stray bullet.
  plastic bullet 13.63   Plastic bullets were fired.
  live bullet 6.78   It was a live bullet.
  single bullet 6.58   He was killed by a single bullet.
  rubber-coated bullet 5.46   Israeli troops fired rubber-coated bullets.
  silver bullet 3.09   A silver bullet.
  spent bullet 2.11   Spent bullets were found nearby.
  fatal bullet 1.97   The fatal bullet was never found.
  real bullet 1.78   These guys are shooting real bullets.
  metal bullet 1.38   Israeli troops fired live ammunition and a barrage of rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas.
  armor-piercing bullet 1.32   Cheney also opposed a ban on armor-piercing bullets.
  first bullet 1.32   The first bullet hit him in the back.
  ricocheting bullet 1.32   It was the amazing ricocheting bullet.
  proof bullet 1.18   It is multa and it is mortar and bullet proof.
  machine-gun bullet 1.12   Machine-gun bullets are chewing up the dock.
  israeli bullet 1.05   An Israeli bullet had crushed the bone.
  second bullet 1.05   A second bullet smashed into his chest.
  speeding bullet 1.05   They spend faster than a speeding bullet.
  same bullet 0.99   The same bullet that killed Mrs. Weaver wounded Harris.
  flying bullet 0.72   I was scared of the flying bullets.
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