acting bug 1.65   Then he caught the acting bug.
  little bug 1.32   Little bugs?
  electronic bug 0.86   An electronic bug the size of a staple is helping protect valuable antiques.
  mealy bug 0.79   Mealy bugs appear on stems and buds.
  bad bug 0.72   These are some bad bugs.
  giant bug 0.66   Giant bugs.
  good bug 0.66   The good bugs.
  political bug 0.59   Last fall, the political bug bit again.
  big bug 0.53   Then the big bug left.
  new bug 0.53   That means his system is vulnerable to a new bug.
  same bug 0.53   Komich said commercial pilots are bitten by the same bug.
  common bug 0.46   Luckily, most common bugs are fixable.
  flying bug 0.46   They probably never have to contend with flying bugs.
  resistant bug 0.46   For already, in clinical trials, bugs resistant to Synercid have already appeared.
  beneficial bug 0.39   Why do beneficial bugs stick around?
  entrepreneurial bug 0.39   By then, I had got the entrepreneurial bug.
  old bug 0.39   His museum workers are old bug hands.
  tiny bug 0.39   We noticed tiny bugs that were all over the walls.
  dead bug 0.33   Is that a dead bug or an edible hockey puck?
  gardening bug 0.33   But that was before the gardening bug bit.
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