defense budget 16.46   Is there surplus in the defense budget?
  government budget 8.82   Government budgets have been cut.
  draft budget 7.31   The draft budget is ultimately expected to pass.
  education budget 4.81   The education budget has been cut back again.
  school budget 4.41   Their growing numbers are swelling school budgets.
  city budget 4.08   The city budget was tight.
  austerity budget 3.62   Staribacher had drawn up an austerity budget based on tax increases.
  year budget 3.55   Japan draws up supplementary budgets each year.
  travel budget 3.23   Travel budgets were curtailed.
  ad budget 2.44   The ad budgets were cut to zero.
  capital budget 2.37   And capital budgets typically are not allowed to pay for salaries.
  defence budget 2.30   - increasing the defence budget.
  aid budget 2.17   He talks about cutting the US Foreign aid budget.
  research budget 2.11   But otherwise, he said, his research budgets are intact.
  deficit budget 1.58   We have had deficit budgets a number of times.
  health budget 1.45   There are to be big cuts in the health budget next year.
  development budget 1.38   He would not disclose his development budget.
  compromise budget 1.32   House passes compromise budget.
  production budget 1.25   Losses are also mounting fast in production budgets.
  sport budget 1.18   A separate sports budget has moved.
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