take bribe 32.13   Many took the bribe.
  accept bribe 22.38   Norton is in prison for accepting bribes.
  pay bribe 16.46   Bribes were paid.
  receive bribe 7.11   We did not receive any bribes.
  offer bribe 5.00   Miranda denied he was offered a bribe.
  demand bribe 4.48   Doctors demand bribes for adequate care.
  give bribe 2.37   They issued passports to people who gave them bribes.
  solicit bribe 1.65   Policemen rarely solicit bribes.
  extort bribe 1.18   Torture is also used to extort bribes, the report said.
  collect bribe 1.12   Kum also collected bribes of his own, it said.
  use bribe 0.79   He allegedly used the bribes to build up a luxury vineyard estate in Tuscany, northern Italy.
  involve bribe 0.66   The project became known as the Enimont affair when it was shown to have involved huge bribes.
  seek bribe 0.66   The rule enabled officials to seek bribes.
  accepting bribe 0.59   Two have been charged with perjury and accepting bribes.
  arrange bribe 0.53   He said that the Abu Sayyaf could not have arranged bribes via cell phone.
  cover bribe 0.53   Salinas also is currently on trial on charges of illegal enrichment, which covers alleged bribes, aiding drug smugglers and misusing public funds.
  make bribe 0.53   Bribes are usually made in U.S. dollars.
  pocket bribe 0.39   Nobody has suggested he personally pocketed bribes.
  require bribe 0.39   Virtually anything can require a bribe, from getting married to getting buried.
  discuss bribe 0.33   But he later acknowledged having been in on a conversation with three other Socialist Party officials when bribes were discussed.
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