familiarity breed 5.07   Familiarity bred trust.
  mosquito breed 3.23   Mosquitoes breed in open sewers.
  success breed 2.04   Success breeds success.
  animal breed 0.59   The animals will breed out of public view.
  scientist breed 0.53   How do plant scientists breed heat into a pepper?
  violence breed 0.53   Violence breeds violence.
  researcher breed 0.46   Researchers are now breeding mice that develop cancer naturally.
  system breed 0.46   But this same system bred a deep cynicism of authority.
  bird breed 0.39   What other birds breed on Spurn?
  closure breed 0.39   Mohammed Estayyeh, head of Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction, said the closure bred violence.
  people breed 0.39   Some people breed these birds to eat.
  school breed 0.33   Are schools breeding a race of children incapable of making decisions for themselves?
  secrecy breed 0.33   Secrecy breeds coverup, period.
  uncertainty breed 0.33   The economic uncertainty bred more political rows, even within the coalition.
  condition breed 0.26   Poor living conditions breed violence and despair.
  farmer breed 0.26   As a result, farmers bred more animals.
  poverty breed 0.26   Yes, poverty can breed desperate people.
  time breed 0.26   Dire times breed oblique humor.
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