prayer breakfast 3.75   He even spoke at a prayer breakfast.
  morning breakfast 2.24   Did you have breakfast this morning?
  day breakfast 1.25   Breakfast next day was the same.
  pancake breakfast 1.18   Some people remember pancake breakfasts in small-town churches.
  school breakfast 0.99   All students are eligible for school breakfasts.
  delegation breakfast 0.66   This morning we went to the Michigan delegation breakfast.
  power breakfast 0.66   Forget the power breakfast.
  business breakfast 0.46   The Edwardian Room, a favorite for business breakfasts, may graduate into the big time.
  weekend breakfast 0.39   Weekend breakfasts are more leisurely.
  country breakfast 0.33   A country breakfast is included.
  gourmet breakfast 0.33   Includes gourmet breakfast.
  room-service breakfast 0.33   No restaurant but lovely room-service breakfasts.
  hotel breakfast 0.26   In San Francisco, there were speeches at a hotel breakfast for executives.
  press breakfast 0.26   Mubarak, at a press breakfast, used starker language than I have ever heard from him.
  team breakfast 0.26   Katzenmoyer attended the team breakfast Friday but not the morning practice.
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