mental breakdown 3.62   It was a mental breakdown.
  defensive breakdown 2.57   Too many defensive breakdowns.
  complete breakdown 2.30   It was a complete breakdown.
  racial breakdown 1.91   Racial breakdown in Britain.
  detailed breakdown 1.71   No detailed breakdown was available.
  mechanical breakdown 1.65   It is a mechanical breakdown.
  family breakdown 1.32   All taxpayers bear the expenses of family breakdown.
  total breakdown 1.32   There is an almost total breakdown of communications.
  emotional breakdown 1.25   Or an emotional breakdown waiting to happen?
  latest breakdown 1.18   James shouted during his latest psychotic breakdown.
  exact breakdown 1.05   The exact voting breakdown was not released.
  major breakdown 1.05   I had six major breakdowns.
  social breakdown 0.86   In the short term, they will prevent bust deteriorating into social breakdown.
  frequent breakdown 0.79   Recently, there were frequent breakdowns of the transmitter.
  further breakdown 0.79   No further breakdown was provided.
  immediate breakdown 0.79   There was no immediate breakdown of casualties.
  serious breakdown 0.79   The aging Mir has suffered a number of serious breakdowns recently.
  apparent breakdown 0.72   Yesterday, Apple owned up to an apparent breakdown in communications.
  recent breakdown 0.72   But why the recent breakdown occurred is a matter of disagreement.
  general breakdown 0.66   On several occasions the general breakdown of law and order has hit the ranks of law enforcement as well.
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