serious breach 3.23   Seoul considered that a serious diplomatic breach.
  alleged breach 2.57   He is wanted in France on charges including alleged breach of trust and corruption.
  grave breach 1.58   Prosecutors Monday dropped six counts of grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions.
  possible breach 1.45   He seemed obsessed not by sex but by possible breaches in national security.
  major breach 1.12   There had been a major breach of security at the air base.
  clear breach 0.99   This case seemed a clear breach.
  criminal breach 0.92   Tham was later found guilty of criminal breach of trust and of share forgery.
  fundamental breach 0.72   These cases are examples of fundamental breach.
  ethical breach 0.59   There was no ethical breach, he said, just bad judgment.
  minor breach 0.53   ...minor breaches of protocol.
  such breach 0.53   But the CIA could not find such a breach.
  flagrant breach 0.46   The reported air raid was a flagrant breach of the no-fly zone over Bosnia.
  apparent breach 0.39   IFAW claims the footage shows apparent breaches of regulations with hunters not checking the animals are dead before skinning them.
  potential breach 0.39   Australia has argued that the proposal involves potential breaches of the Law of the Sea.
  dangerous breach 0.33   That strikes most Republicans as a dangerous breach of the capitalist system.
  diplomatic breach 0.33   Seoul considered that a serious diplomatic breach.
  open breach 0.33   Muttering followed, though no open breach.
  severe breach 0.33   Not to do so would be a severe breach of etiquette.
  deliberate breach 0.26   Police said the incident was not a deliberate breach of security.
  latest breach 0.26   While in theory, Birch could fire Brash because of the latest breach, he is unlikely to do so.
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