inflammatory bowel 9.48   Its potential use in inflammatory bowel disease deserves clinical trials.
  small bowel 5.00   A small bowel enema examination was normal.
  irritable bowel 4.87   An irritable bowel.
  large bowel 1.78   Large bowel cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world.
  normal bowel 0.86   Fiber alone is not enough to aid normal bowel function.
  active bowel 0.46   It is now clear that ROM are produced in excess in active inflammatory bowel disease.
  non-inflammatory bowel 0.39   The positive non-inflammatory bowel disease culture also grew acid fast bacilli which were not M paratuberculosis.
  proximal bowel 0.33   To protect the proximal bowel repeated colonoscopy may be required.
  telescoped bowel 0.33   In some cases the enema can straighten out the telescoped bowel.
  distal bowel 0.26   Distal small bowel lesions may also be shown by reflux at barium enema or by entering the terminal ileum at colonoscopy.
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