use boost 2.63   The prize often is used to boost an ongoing process.
  work boost 0.86   Retail companies had relied on more Mexicans going back to work to boost sales.
  do boost 0.72   What do colleges do to boost their yield?
  combine boost 0.59   French bankers acknowledged that favorable circumstances combined to boost first-half earnings.
  spend boost 0.53   It is already clear that the government will not raise spending to boost the economy, he said.
  can boost 0.39   The government is doing what it can to boost revenues.
  cut boost 0.39   That means avoiding ruthless job cutting to boost profits temporarily only to leave a shell of a company.
  discuss boost 0.39   Plans were discussed to boost security at local military units.
  expand boost 0.33   Thailand wants it expanded to boost growth, while the IMF wants to keep it smaller.
  spending boost 0.33   Economists say the government must find more effective ways than public spending to boost economic growth.
  act boost 0.26   A group of shareholders is threatening to try to unseat the board unless directors act to boost the share price.
  be boost 0.26   Boosting can be dangerous, even leading to stroke or death.
  dispatch boost 0.26   Earlier in the week, two battalions of army troops and one of marines were dispatched to boost the embattled security forces.
  fall boost 0.26   Japan wanted the yen to fall to boost exports.
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