morale boost 3.36   Does Notre Dame need a morale boost?
  confidence boost 1.91   And each time has brought a confidence boost.
  price boost 1.18   Taxi drivers doubled prices overnight in response to the price boosts.
  career boost 0.99   Yes, it can be a major career boost.
  rate boost 0.99   It would be the fourth rate boost since last June.
  earnings boost 0.92   Analysts attributed the earnings boost to higher traffic.
  week boost 0.92   Riordan got a boost this week when, aides said, President Bush called and urged him to run.
  energy boost 0.72   When we got the lead, it was like an energy boost.
  ego boost 0.66   Self-Castigators need ego boosts.
  cash boost 0.59   RESEARCH programmes at a North Wales college were given a big cash boost last night.
  rating boost 0.59   He would be a certain ratings boost.
  year boost 0.59   The increase, led by Delta, is the latest of several boosts this year.
  dollar boost 0.53   A strong dollar boost European exports by making them cheaper in dollar terms.
  flavor boost 0.53   -Give jams and jellies and chutneys a flavor boost with syrups.
  help boost 0.53   Higher Japanese rates help boost the yen by making yen-denominated deposits more attractive.
  wage boost 0.53   Prolonged strikes or a dramatic wage boost could torpedo those hopes.
  image boost 0.46   The turkey giveaway was not a lockout-inspired image boost.
  power boost 0.46   Minimal power boosts are found on the Ciera SL and Cutlass Supreme SL models.
  salary boost 0.46   Investors also were fearing inflation would be fueled by salary boosts.
  pay boost 0.39   Clinton would not be affected by any pay boost.
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