broken bone 48.39   Broken bones?
  human bone 7.44   Human bones poked through the ash.
  brittle bone 3.69   Brittle bone results.
  animal bone 3.62   Animal bones suggest game was not a problem.
  hip bone 2.83   My hip bones stuck out.
  old bone 2.50   Old bones break easily.
  small bone 2.37   Remove any remaining small bones.
  chicken bone 2.24   Chicken bones are the easiest.
  fractured bone 2.17   X-rays later confirmed a fractured bone.
  strong bone 2.17   Drinking milk keeps your bones strong.
  dry bone 2.11   The air is bone dry.
  pelvic bone 1.84   Shrapnel pierced his pelvic bone.
  mass bone 1.71   For example, elderly women are prone to a loss of bone mass.
  new bone 1.71   They slow the production of new bone.
  cracked bone 1.32   It took a cracked bone to get me out of the lineup.
  chipped bone 1.25   Brohm suffered a chipped bone in his throwing hand.
  metatarsal bone 1.25   Three metatarsal bones were broken.
  fossil bone 1.18   Fossil bones were just lying around in the open.
  orbital bone 1.18   It was initially feared he had fractured the orbital bone.
  facial bone 1.12   Facial bones were broken.
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