nuclear bomb 37.39   At first we thought it was a nuclear bomb.
  roadside bomb 32.92   Sunday, a roadside bomb killed South Lebanon Army Col. Akl Hashem.
  homemade bomb 23.24   Five homemade bombs were later found in the house.
  small bomb 20.08   A small bomb was set off in the car of one cousin.
  powerful bomb 15.08   Powerful bomb explosion at oil storage tank.
  second bomb 14.61   No one was hurt by the second bomb.
  crude bomb 11.72   It was a crude bomb packed with ball bearings.
  home-made bomb 11.06   Witnesses said home-made bombs exploded.
  unexploded bomb 10.40   The workmen found an unexploded bomb.
  first bomb 8.16   Then the first bomb exploded.
  american bomb 6.52   What about the American bombs?
  terrorist bomb 6.06   A terrorist bomb was blamed.
  dirty bomb 5.13   What goes into a dirty bomb.
  laser-guided bomb 4.61   He said the munitions dropped were laser-guided bombs.
  remote-controlled bomb 4.48   Sappers then defused a remote-controlled bomb, it said.
  deadly bomb 3.95   The deadly bomb came in camouflage.
  the bomb 3.95   The other bomb did not explode.
  large bomb 3.88   Now it is one large bomb shelter.
  third bomb 3.55   A third bomb was defused.
  suspected bomb 3.03   The suspected bomb makers are alleged PRD sympathizers.
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