sit bolt 1.25   Suddenly, Paxon sits bolt upright.
  tighten bolt 0.86   Tightening bolts.
  remove bolt 0.79   Remove the bolt.
  have bolt 0.33   The drum break buttons have lightning bolts.
  install bolt 0.33   They found out that installing the bolts in a different sequence solved the problem.
  loosen bolt 0.33   Loosen the bolt so the bars can be turned.
  slide bolt 0.33   Julie banged the door shut and slid the bolts into place.
  draw bolt 0.26   She heard him drop quietly on the other side, and draw the bolt.
  turn bolt 0.26   You need one of those whatsits to turn the bolt.
  unscrew bolt 0.26   Farmer is unscrewing some bolts to change the gearing.
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