world body 55.17   The world body should try Avis next time.
  student body 21.72   A multi-national student body.
  government body 12.90   Government bodies may be wondering, too.
  trade body 11.65   The WTO is the main world trade oversight body.
  soccer body 6.65   The soccer body is under fire over television rights.
  sport body 4.15   The sports bodies groused.
  watchdog body 3.69   But a civic watchdog body claimed many candidates had violated the limit.
  policy-making body 3.09   He heads the Expediency Council, a powerful policy-making body.
  security body 2.70   The NASD is a self-policing securities industry body.
  industry body 2.37   The NASD is a self-policing securities industry body.
  oversight body 1.78   The WTO is the main world trade oversight body.
  appeal body 1.71   The decision of the appeal body is binding.
  car body 1.71   This is how a car body starts its life.
  umbrella body 1.45   The Orthodox institutions, in turn, were pressuring the umbrella bodies.
  dispute body 1.38   At present, dismissals are decided by a labor disputes settlement body.
  lawmaking body 1.32   However, the current lawmaking body appears unlikely to approve of expanding the union.
  right body 1.32   The refugee rights body Pro-Asyl strongly condemned the measure.
  water body 1.25   Water bodies, forests, former farmland are contaminated.
  research body 1.18   The research body is an attempt to ease such concerns.
  settlement body 1.12   At present, dismissals are decided by a labor disputes settlement body.
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