passenger board 3.88   Other passengers boarded in Haifa.
  man board 2.04   The men boarded as passengers.
  official board 1.71   Military and airport officials boarded it and remained past midnight.
  commando board 1.51   Then, the Greenpeace ship was rammed and boarded by commandos.
  officer board 1.12   The boat then stopped and Russian officers boarded, finding seven fishermen.
  group board 1.05   The group has not boarded the barge.
  people board 0.99   The people boarded Israeli army buses on the tarmac.
  police board 0.92   He said he was stunned when police boarded their boat to question the couple.
  activist board 0.79   Activists boarded the platform, and protests across Europe prompted Shell to back down.
  authority board 0.79   It also enacted rules allowing Canadian authorities to board and seize the European boats.
  hijacker board 0.79   The hijacker boarded in Polykastron, where he claimed he was abused by police.
  team board 0.79   The team boarded a bus, where it was halted by a passing train.
  woman board 0.66   One day, a woman boarded the train clutching black gloves.
  agent board 0.53   It took two days before FBI agents boarded the ship to investigate.
  crew board 0.53   Commander Scott Altman waved as he and his crew boarded the heavily guarded van for the ride to the pad.
  inspector board 0.53   When inspectors boarded her in San Juan harbor, ship officers denied discharging anything.
  pirate board 0.53   The pirates boarded the ship and stripped it of its navigation gear.
  refugee board 0.53   Twenty-four refugees boarded a bus late Thursday night in the southern port city of Ystad.
  worker board 0.53   Cypriot workers boarded the Syrian ship at dawn to make repairs.
  child board 0.46   The smallest children boarded the bus and ate.
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