genetic blueprint 2.17   DNA is the genetic blueprint of animals and organisms.
  economic blueprint 1.25   Robert Reich has sketched his economic blueprint for Massachusetts.
  new blueprint 1.25   How he will write a new blueprint for spring training.
  detailed blueprint 1.05   It was a detailed blueprint.
  clear blueprint 0.72   The guidelines provided a clear blueprint for antitrust action.
  complete blueprint 0.72   Only identical twins share a complete DNA blueprint.
  spending blueprint 0.59   Davis is still preparing his spending blueprint.
  original blueprint 0.53   But the original blueprints were lost.
  classified blueprint 0.46   Pope is accused of obtaining classified blueprints for a high-speed torpedo.
  national blueprint 0.46   THE national aerospace blueprint is a much-awaited document.
  first blueprint 0.39   He will order them to hold spending as part of his first budget blueprint.
  fiscal blueprint 0.39   GOP leaders plan to muscle a compromise House-Senate fiscal blueprint through both chambers today.
  human blueprint 0.39   Understanding the human blueprint, it was argued, would lead to a plethora of new diagnostics and drugs.
  republican blueprint 0.39   Keating outlined his republican blueprint on Wednesday.
  same blueprint 0.39   Two people looking at the same blueprint may imagine the object in radically different ways.
  separate blueprint 0.39   Both Gore and rival George W. Bush pressed forward with separate blueprints for building a presidency.
  budgetary blueprint 0.33   The Republican-led House planned to endorse the budgetary blueprint today.
  final blueprint 0.33   A final blueprint was expected soon.
  initial blueprint 0.33   At least one competitor was skeptical of the initial blueprint.
  political blueprint 0.33   Indonesian assembly endorses political blueprint as protests rage.
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