cold blood 7.24   This is cold blood, Nigel.
  dried blood 5.60   Dried blood was caked in her hair.
  human blood 5.20   Enough of this cruel shedding of human blood!
  contaminated blood 5.07   Must contaminated blood penetrate the skin?
  fresh blood 4.81   Can a vampire resist fresh blood?
  tainted blood 4.81   Tainted blood is common in Henan.
  donated blood 4.08   At present hospitals rely on donated blood,
  infected blood 3.09   The disease is spread through infected blood.
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  red blood 1.78   When your veins seem to flood with rich red blood,
  unheated blood 1.71   Unfortunately, the Japanese government continued to permit the import of unheated blood products.
  increased blood 1.45   Increased blood flow would cause swelling under his cast.
  artificial blood 1.25   As a case in point, the panel cited research on artificial blood substitutes.
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  american blood 1.12   No, our blood is precious and the American blood is water.
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