economic blockade 7.11   Arafat called it an economic blockade.
  naval blockade 6.25   A naval blockade?
  israeli blockade 3.95   The Israeli blockade of Gaza was expected to be discussed.
  military blockade 2.57   The subsequent civil war has dragged on behind a military blockade.
  tight blockade 1.71   Thousands of riot police maintained a tight blockade around parliament.
  serb blockade 1.05   The reason for the Serb blockade was unclear.
  crippling blockade 0.99   Greece agreed last month to end a crippling economic blockade.
  human blockade 0.99   He should play if he has to run through a human blockade to get there.
  russian blockade 0.99   Chechnya is caught in an ever-tightening Russian blockade.
  soviet blockade 0.72   Western Allies begin an airlift to break a Soviet blockade of Berlin.
  strict blockade 0.72   Israel responded by tightening its already strict blockade of Palestinian towns.
  similar blockade 0.66   Soon after that election, Lopez Obrador headed similar blockades and protests in Tabasco.
  total blockade 0.66   He called for a total blockade of the town Monday.
  street blockade 0.53   In Berlin, police used water cannons to break up street blockades, arresting several dozen leftists.
  diplomatic blockade 0.46   Then came the hostage crisis and a U.S.-led diplomatic blockade of the country.
  virtual blockade 0.46   In addition, it is continuing its virtual blockade of Palestinian areas.
  union blockade 0.39   Mobile Bay was a hideout for Confederate ships trying to elude the Union blockade.
  continued blockade 0.33   The two officials said a continued blockade of aid shipments for civilians and UN forces would be unacceptable.
  new blockade 0.33   They set up a new blockade north of the village on another road, stranding hundreds of vehicles.
  british blockade 0.26   There was no mistaking the deadly effectiveness of the British blockade.
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