use blade 1.12   The blade had been used flat.
  sharpen blade 0.92   Sharpen blades often.
  have blade 0.79   For safety, none of the mowers has blades.
  replace blade 0.79   If you replace the blade, is it the same ax?
  change blade 0.53   Remember to unplug the saw when changing blades.
  hold blade 0.53   Also tighten the screws holding the blades to their brackets.
  make blade 0.46   The best blades were made in the Bronze Age.
  raise blade 0.39   You simply raise the blade to put it into action.
  carry blade 0.33   U.S. officials have banned passengers from carrying small blades, including box cutters.
  place blade 0.33   Place the blade on a flat surface to see if it is level.
  pull blade 0.33   With that version, you pull the blade toward you when you peel.
  spin blade 0.33   And the music they furnished at night as the wind spun their blades was wonderful.
  turn blade 0.33   Turn the blade over and sharpen the other side the same number of strokes.
  wipe blade 0.33   Wipe the blade after each pass.
  attach blade 0.26   Just outside, a neighbor is beating a rug with the shaft of a hockey stick, its blade no longer attached.
  clean blade 0.26   The axle should be lubricated, and the blades should be cleaned.
  cover blade 0.26   It is spring-loaded so it snaps back to cover the blade after the cut is made.
  feel blade 0.26   You know how you can usually feel the blades?
  find blade 0.26   I can find bigger blades to fit a different tool.
  get blade 0.26   He always got a blade on him.
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