brain biopsy 0.59   Suspecting variant CJD, doctors took a brain biopsy.
  needle biopsy 0.53   A needle biopsy showed it was cancer.
  skin biopsy 0.53   They said they were awaiting results of a skin biopsy.
  muscle biopsy 0.46   And five also had mild, non-specific abnormalities on muscle biopsies.
  breast biopsy 0.39   Has she required one or more breast biopsies?
  sentinel-node biopsy 0.33   Beitsch and Clifford are among a small number of surgeons across the country who perform sentinel-node biopsies.
  sentinel biopsy 0.26   The sentinel node biopsy has none of these complications, Giuliano said.
  thickness biopsy 0.26   Nine patients had a diagnosis based on a small bowel full thickness biopsy.
  tissue biopsy 0.26   A tissue biopsy can diagnose.
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