liver biopsy 1.78   Grasso, who quit drinking four years ago, had a liver biopsy.
  endoscopic biopsy 1.25   The incidence of pancreatitis after endoscopic biopsy of the papilla is unknown.
  intestinal biopsy 1.18   Full thickness intestinal biopsy specimens were obtained in eight of the children.
  gastric biopsy 1.12   Ten gastric mucosal biopsy specimens were required for DNA extraction.
  mucosal biopsy 1.05   Ten gastric mucosal biopsy specimens were required for DNA extraction.
  small biopsy 0.92   The researchers take a small biopsy the size of a pea.
  antral biopsy 0.86   Another of the antral biopsy specimens was Gram stained and cultured.
  duodenal biopsy 0.59   The opportunity should be used to obtain duodenal biopsy specimens.
  surgical biopsy 0.59   No hospitalization, no surgical biopsy and no further treatment would be necessary.
  colonic biopsy 0.53   Colonic biopsy specimens were taken before and at the end of the supplementation period.
  unnecessary biopsy 0.46   But unnecessary biopsies are not without consequences.
  colonoscopic biopsy 0.39   The other five were histologically normal colonoscopic biopsy specimens taken from children investigated for abdominal pain.
  normal biopsy 0.39   Grossly normal appearing gastric biopsy specimens were taken from healthy volunteers.
  repeat biopsy 0.39   If high grade dysplasia was found, repeat biopsies were performed within six months.
  second biopsy 0.39   So, second biopsy.
  standard biopsy 0.39   In conclusion, this study has evaluated the efficacy of four commercial serological tests in comparison with standard biopsy related tests.
  rectal biopsy 0.33   Furthermore, rectal biopsy specimens were obtained from each twin in whom sigmoidoscopy could be carried out.
  serial biopsy 0.33   Similar changes werefound in serial biopsies taken during radiotherapy in rectal carcinomas.
  negative biopsy 0.26   On the other hand, the radiologist with the lowest rate of cancer detection had a very low rate of negative biopsies.
  percutaneous biopsy 0.26   Plugged liver biopsies are both effective and safe when used to perform percutaneous liver biopsies in patients with impaired coagulation.
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