marine biology 3.36   -- Toxics and marine biology.
  human biology 2.30   ...human biology.
  evolutionary biology 1.91   Primary interest is evolutionary biology.
  basic biology 1.18   Basic biology.
  modern biology 1.18   Modern biology now finds itself in the same, awkward place.
  major biology 0.99   Leddy, a biology major, sits in the back with Bill Kleigleng.
  developmental biology 0.79   Simply discovering the ZPA factor would have made Tabin a name in developmental biology.
  former biology 0.39   The former biology professor surrendered voluntarily on Wednesday.
  reproductive biology 0.33   However, pig reproductive biology presented some daunted technical problems for cloning pioneers.
  computational biology 0.26   The machines, in turn, depend upon Dr. Philip Green, a UW expert in computational biology who collaborates with Olson.
  structural biology 0.26   At her death, she was Distinguished professor emeritus of anatomy and structural biology and of neuroscience at Einstein.
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