drinking binge 3.03   A drinking binge is now two beers.
  buying binge 2.90   Softbank has been on a buying binge.
  spending binge 0.99   So far, the spending binge has had an effect.
  hiring binge 0.72   Deutsche Morgan Grenfell has begun to reap the fruits of its hiring binge, too.
  frequent binge 0.59   A young man who craves contact and goes on frequent rebounding binges?
  scoring binge 0.59   It was a scoring binge in real time.
  borrowing binge 0.53   And so the borrowing binge goes on.
  building binge 0.46   The Yankees went on a building binge that was never completed.
  fund-raising binge 0.39   Although opinion polls show the public disapproves, the national parties are on a record fund-raising binge.
  shopping binge 0.39   A shopping binge at the mall.
  alcoholic binge 0.26   There were his alcoholic binges and his four marriages.
  drunken binge 0.26   Victor embarks on a lonely life of drunken binges and painful reminiscences.
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