ban billboard 0.86   It bans billboards.
  put_up billboard 0.86   How many billboards will be put up in the city?
  erect billboard 0.72   Some tense moments as the organisms break containment and erect appealing billboards.
  see billboard 0.72   You may have seen the billboards.
  use billboard 0.53   Some advertisers use billboards.
  remove billboard 0.46   Praise for decision to remove illegal billboards, NEW STRAITS TIMES-
  have billboard 0.39   Both sites have billboards with short-term leases, Cooper said.
  prohibit billboard 0.39   Alaska has measures prohibiting billboards as well as outlawing the trapping of wolves with snares.
  take billboard 0.39   The billboards were taken down.
  include billboard 0.33   -- Ban on tobacco advertising outdoors, including billboards.
  lease billboard 0.33   Lease a billboard.
  place billboard 0.33   The walking billboards are being placed at bars and restaurants where younger drinkers congregate.
  plaster billboard 0.33   You see the billboards plastered around town.
  post billboard 0.33   In Brisbane, Imagine Media, which publishes a range of computer magazines, posts a billboard that is often hard to figure out.
  buy billboard 0.26   Instead of putting up yard signs, those who can afford it might buy billboards.
  rent billboard 0.26   A month ago he rented a billboard on Sunset Boulevard proposing marriage to Jennifer Shapiro.
  replace billboard 0.26   In many places, cigarette billboards have been replaced by signs with anti-smoking messages.
  walk billboard 0.26   Not only does that yield more loyal fans, but it also turns them into walking NFL billboards.
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