highest bidder 23.11   Going to the highest bidder.
  potential bidder 12.24   Potential bidders are dismayed.
  winning bidder 8.89   Starwood was the winning bidder.
  successful bidder 5.92   But who was the successful bidder?
  possible bidder 4.48   He declined to name possible bidders.
  rival bidder 3.29   Who were these rival bidders?
  the bidder 3.03   Paris and New Delhi were the other bidders.
  only bidder 2.76   They were the only bidders.
  lowest bidder 2.63   They were contracting it out to the lowest bidder.
  losing bidder 2.57   The PAA did not identify the losing bidders.
  prospective bidder 2.50   Fuji eventually selected eight prospective bidders.
  likely bidder 1.91   As a result there are no other likely bidders.
  high bidder 1.71   Now they are free to play for the high bidder.
  low bidder 1.51   The low bidder begins work immediately.
  new bidder 1.45   It is not unknown for a new bidder to appear this late.
  qualified bidder 1.45   The city will announce the qualified bidders on Thursday.
  hostile bidder 1.38   In deals with a hostile bidder, the highest price does not always carry the day.
  top bidder 1.38   He would not name the top bidder.
  unsuccessful bidder 1.38   Reilly was an unsuccessful bidder for The Examiner.
  third bidder 1.32   A third bidder also walked away disappointed.
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