make bid 35.81   Five of them made bids.
  submit bid 21.66   None submitted a bid.
  lose bid 19.55   Hampers lost his bid.
  reject bid 10.99   Ito rejected the bid.
  accept bid 8.95   His bid was not accepted.
  win bid 8.29   Nagano, Japan, won that bid.
  raise bid 8.10   Will it raise its bid?
  launch bid 6.91   Carnival launched its bid in December.
  receive bid 6.45   Two bids were received.
  consider bid 5.60   Miller executives said they too are considering a bid.
  announce bid 5.27   No other bids have been announced.
  support bid 5.13   His cabinet voted Thursday to support the bid.
  seek bid 4.81   Bids were sought but came in too low.
  withdraw bid 4.02   He withdrew the bid.
  take bid 3.75   Bids would be taken in October.
  solicit bid 3.49   Instead, it would solicit bids.
  get bid 3.42   The winner gets the bid.
  drop bid 3.23   Generali is to drop its bid for AGF.
  place bid 2.90   I placed a bid on the ear.
  abandon bid 2.70   But he had to abandon his bid after failing to find a partner.
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