extend beyond 47.00   And the rift extended beyond them.
  look beyond 31.01   Also, look beyond the Web.
  go beyond 22.12   And gone beyond.
  spread beyond 15.01   But tension spread well beyond Genoa.
  reach beyond 14.61   And it reaches beyond Brady.
  get beyond 13.89   And get beyond the Lewinsky scandal.
  expand beyond 12.84   The city has since expanded well beyond the walls.
  burn beyond 11.45   Beyond that it burns.
  lie beyond 7.70   What lay beyond?
  see beyond 6.45   She can see beyond all that.
  grow beyond 5.99   Dickey grew beyond his grief.
  be beyond 5.53   But beyond the craze was the game.
  comment beyond 5.53   He declined to comment beyond that.
  prove beyond 5.33   Southall proved it beyond any reasonable doubt.
  seem beyond 5.07   No shot seemed beyond him.
  live beyond 4.81   We live beyond our bodies.
  venture beyond 4.54   And his ideology seldom ventures beyond the mercenary.
  char beyond 3.88   They were charred beyond recognition.
  push beyond 3.82   But Arafat is being pushed beyond good sense.
  continue beyond 3.62   There were fears that the strikes would continue beyond Wednesday.
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