way beyond 9.22   Way beyond.
  world beyond 5.46   This is a world beyond me.
  life beyond 4.94   Is there life beyond Earth?
  move beyond 3.29   It is time to move beyond the surreal to the real.
  force beyond 3.16   A force almost beyond comprehension.
  issue beyond 3.16   But there are issues beyond simplicity.
  step beyond 2.96   And Wycheck went a step beyond.
  implication beyond 2.50   And it has implications beyond Argentina.
  comment beyond 2.24   To make comments beyond that would be absolutely improper.
  impact beyond 2.11   African model Alek Wek has impact beyond runways.
  reason beyond 2.11   But I think there are reasons beyond money.
  benefit beyond 1.97   His ruling has potential benefits beyond the case at hand.
  go beyond 1.78   But repoing goes beyond detective work.
  problem beyond 1.78   The bill faces problems beyond the amendments.
  area beyond 1.65   She points out the parking area just beyond the fence.
  factor beyond 1.65   And there were factors beyond interest rates.
  plan beyond 1.65   He has not announced plans beyond that.
  event beyond 1.58   Events beyond his control conspired to get him there.
  thing beyond 1.58   There are things beyond the court.
  hill beyond 1.51   From the house we can see the valley and the hills beyond.
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