think best 2.70   I thought it best to call first.
  know best 0.72   But the time to get to know students best is outside the classroom.
  put best 0.72   Vaughn, though, put it best for Cameron.
  serve best 0.46   Right now, dead-donor donations serve society best.
  like best 0.39   Ordonez was asked which at-bat he liked best Thursday.
  believe best 0.33   Generally, a president selects his own portraitist, seeking an image he believes best suits him.
  consider best 0.33   Everyone should do what he considers best.
  find best 0.33   She finds it best to talk to everyone that way.
  deem best 0.26   These are the shows a TV critic deems best of the best?
  judge best 0.26   Owen judged it best to make no reply.
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