conservative bent 1.25   Not surprisingly, it has a conservative bent.
  political bent 0.86   Tomenko has his own political bent.
  philosophical bent 0.59   Bensard came to his philosophical bent early.
  liberal bent 0.53   It is known as a publisher of quality newspapers with a liberal political bent.
  artistic bent 0.46   Just about all the members of the family have an artistic bent.
  entrepreneurial bent 0.46   From that point on, no one should have doubted his entrepreneurial bent.
  natural bent 0.46   Photo-shooters with a natural bent should have a field day out here as well.
  intellectual bent 0.33   Born and raised in Harlem, Moses demonstrated an intellectual bent early on.
  literary bent 0.33   His father, a doctor, had a literary bent.
  practical bent 0.33   She is a cutie with a practical bent.
  populist bent 0.26   The United States then reluctantly restored Aristide to power, despite concern about his populist bent.
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