personal belonging 18.17   Personal belongings were strewn about.
  meager belonging 0.79   The refugees hold their meager belongings tightly.
  precious belonging 0.53   They packed precious belongings into their compact car.
  household belonging 0.46   A large pile of household belongings stands in the streets nearby.
  meagre belonging 0.39   The girls carried their meagre belongings in plastic carry bags.
  packed belonging 0.39   They sit on boxes and suitcases of hastily packed belongings at an Algiers bus station.
  treasured belonging 0.39   Many pulled their most treasured belongings in trailers.
  family belonging 0.26   The family belongings lay strewn on the curb of a suburban street.
  remaining belonging 0.26   The fighters eventually let them pass after robbing them of their remaining belongings.
  scattered belonging 0.26   Otherwise, there was only rubble, scattered belongings and some human remains.
  valuable belonging 0.26   I fill boxes with these valuable belongings and pass them on.
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