big belly 0.92   Blake was a doughy man with a big belly.
  full belly 0.92   Belly full?
  pregnant belly 0.66   I regretted my buckskin jacket and even, for a second, my pregnant belly.
  swollen belly 0.66   The same swollen belly on the same skinny legs,
  bloated belly 0.59   Some children have soft bloated bellies.
  bulging belly 0.46   That bulging belly!
  distended belly 0.46 infant with a distended belly.
  ample belly 0.39   Coleman then jabbed Benjamin in his ample belly.
  white belly 0.39   In moonlight the white belly fur breaks up the outline of the hunter to perfection.
  huge belly 0.33   He has a huge belly and is always drooling.
  round belly 0.33   He pats his round belly.
  empty belly 0.26   A cold night and an empty belly, they say, would inject reality into Huck Finn dreams.
  frozen belly 0.26   The current contract is settled with the delivery of frozen bellies.
  protruding belly 0.26   Do you pick the model with the protruding belly?
  yellow belly 0.26   We always said that he had a yellow belly!
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